We decided we needed to help our Mom earn money so we started this blog while she was at work. We were very lucky to have found the home we have. We used to live under a tree by a golf course. There were a lot of cats there. We do not know what happen to our cat mom. We were scared and cold because it was December. The tree we lived under was pretty protected and we were so happy to have it. Looking back it was really scary to live there. The other cats picked on my sister Peanut because she was so small. Really I was not much bigger but I thought I was a giant. Except those other cats were really big and they scared me too.
There was, somehow food there for us. Some strange looking thing, who I later learned was a person, came and brought us something for our belly which was always growling, only now did I know we were just hungry. Very hungry, it seemed like there was never enough food.
One day some lady grabbed us and took us somewhere really warm and soft. She was so happy to see us and held us all the time. We ate all the time there and were not hungry anymore. We did not have to be afraid of those big old cats anymore. And there were no big cars to run us over. We had the run of the whole place and it was really big.
Then one day these two lady's came and put us in a cage and made us ride in a car really far. Peanut just shook and cried. I was really scared too. The ladies tried to talk to us so we would not cry and meow. We did not want to make noise and make these ladies mad. We tried to be quiet but we were so scared. Peanut and I did not understand what was happening to us. All we knew was it made us cower into the corner of the cage. The ladies seemed like they really happy to see us, like they knew us. Maybe they will take care of us too, keep us warm and cozy. I was whispering to Peanut "it will be OK" but how did I know that? Peanut was crying and crying. Of course we did not have these names yet. We would not get names for a few weeks. Peanut and I were never separated since we were born. We did everything together and now being so scared we just snuggled and shook. I hoped this was going to be good and not bad but I did not know for sure. I hoped that no one would take Peanut away from me. She was all I had in this world. Peanut and I needed a good home I hoped this was where we were going, I tried to tell Peanut it was going to be OK, but how, I was so scared too and there was no one to tell me that it would be OK.
Finally we stopped and the one lady carried us out of the car into a house. The cage door opened and we were free! The one lady carried us to some strange spot and rubbed our feet in it. Later we found out this was where we had to go potty. OOPS Boy was it warm there, we looked around to see where we could hide.
The one lady who I later found out was to be my person mom, because there is no way any one would take the place of our cat mom. The other lady would be my person grandmom. It was so strange there. There were alot of people there, I guess they were there to see us. Everyone stuck their face into ours and talked really funny. They tried to hiss, but silly people, only cats hiss. There was another cat there, she looked old and fat. She was not happy that we were there and we decided to stay away from her. Our person mom kept saying to that old cat, be nice Whitey, they are really small babies. We were not babies! Still scared but really happy to be warm. The lady who was our mom picked us both up they were eating and it smelled great. I was hungry but that big old cat kept growling at us when we were on the floor. So I jumped right onto my mom's plate. Everybody laughed, I did not, and she swept me away and I was still hungry. She did not make me get on the floor with that mean old cat, whew was I glad. Later all the people left and it was just me and Peanut, with that old cat Whitey, and our new mom and grandmom. They sat in really comfortable chairs and the grandmom person let us lay on her lap under this really warm blanket, which later I found out was a quilt and they really were for people. Me and Peanut did not care we were really tired and fell asleep there. Snuggled down and together and off to sleep we went. This was great! I hope we get to stay here and do not have to go out in the cold again. Brrrr...
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